Adult CCRN® Certification Review, Second Edition
$89.99Includes 6 months' free ExamPrepConnect Digital Access with print purchase!The second edition of Adult CCRN® Certification Review is designed to help you prepare for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) certification exam. This comprehensive print + digital resource has been completely revised to include current, concise review content as well as updated Q&A. The unique "Think in Questions, Learn by Rationales" format is designed to help readers anticipate the kind of questions they might be asked and promote critical thinking throughout the exam. The review begins with a 25-question pretest to help you gauge current knowledge levels as well as key information about the exam and helpful test-taking tips. Chapters are broken into bite-size sections that feature plentiful exhibits and "hints" to facilitate learning and memorization. Each chapter concludes with multiple-choice questions to help you assess knowledge retention, and the review concludes w...