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Reach the Target Audience For Your Products and Services With Us, Clinical Lactation

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CL Media Kit 2023

Looking for more ways to contact potential customers?
Want to showcase your product or service in the perfect venue?

Then take advantage of a great marketing opportunity in a new journal from the United States Lactation Consultant Association.

Clinical Lactation is the official journal of the U.S. Lactation Consultant Association. Published quarterly and distributed to over 2,000 lactation consultants and healthcare providers, this print and digital journal places your products or services in front of an audience that is most likely to use or recommend them. As breastfeeding rates continue to climb, make sure that mothers and healthcare providers have access to the products and services that they may need to reach maternal and national breastfeeding goals.

Clinical Lactation is a practical journal that presents articles designed to enhance the health professional's ability to improve lactation care and services. The journal's practical applications represent an important resource for lactation consultants, nurses, and midwives and is a well-respected venue for you to showcase your products and services.

Please read the enclosed Advertising Prospectus for all the details of a distinct and exceptional means of reaching a desired customer base that is actively seeking better approaches to enhancing the breastfeeding experience of the mothers they serve.

The Board of Directors of the US Lactation Consultant Association welcomes your participation in improving lactation care and services for all breastfeeding mothers.

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Clinical Lactation Print Advertising Guidelines 

Clinical Lactation is written specifically to provide practical approaches and interventions to aid clinicians in support of breastfeeding families. It is packed with up-to-date information about issues, trends, programs, policy, practice and education.

Publication Schedule

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.

Volume 15
February Issue

May Issue

August Issue November Issue 2026
Volume 16
February Issue
Space Close 1/05/25 4/05/25 7/05/25 10/04/25 1/05/26
Art Due 1/12/25 4/12/25 7/12/25 10/11/25 1/12/26
Street Date 2/14/25 5/17/25 8/17/25 11/15/25 2/14/26


Four Color Advertising Rates           *Print rates are eligible for 15% agency discount


  1 Issue
(Cost per Issue)

2 Issue
(Cost per Issue)

3 Issue
(Cost per Issue)
4 Issue
(Cost per Issue)
Inside Front Cover $1,320 $1,210 $1,100 $990
Inside Back Cover $1,320 $1,210 $1,100 $990
Back Cover $1,495 $1,320 $1,210 $1,100
Full Page $1,155 $1,100 $1,045 $935
Half Page $860 $740 $715 $660
Quarter Page $660 $605 $550 $520


Black and White Advertising Rates          *Print rates are eligible for 15% agency discount


  1 Issue
(Cost per Issue)

2 Issue
(Cost per Issue)

3 Issue
(Cost per Issue)
4 Issue
(Cost per Issue)
Full Page $1,045 $990 $935 $900
Half Page $720 $690 $660 $600
Quarter Page $540 $500 $475 $410


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Clinical Lactation Online Advertising Guidelines is the online resource for the digital edition of the journal. Each issue's articles are posted approximately 3 weeks before the print edition is distributed. USLCA members as well as other interested professionals and the public may freely access the full text of each article, which can be read online or downloaded and saved for offline viewing. The digital edition provides your advertising message with targeted visibility!


  Full Rate
Leaderboards/eTOC $799/month



Size Full Rate
Leaderboards 728 px 90 px


CL Banner Examples


Ad materials should be e-mailed to maintaining the following guidelines:
GIF or JPG file format
Maximum File Size: 6Ok
Reporting: Impressions, click-through rate, and total clicks provided upon request.

Terms and Conditions
Insertion orders must be received 3 weeks prior to closing. Cancellations are accepted 15 days prior to closing. The agency commission is 15%.

Advertisers appearing in Clinical Lactation must comply with the International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes
as well as current \VHA resolutions. All advertisements are subject to review and approval by the United States Lactation Consultants Association which reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement. For a complete list of the USLCA' s advertising policy visit www

CL Media Kit Color Banner

Clinical Lactation Print Advertising Guidelines is the online resource for the digital edition of the journal. Each issue's articles are posted approximately 3 weeks before the print edition is distributed. USLCA members as well as other interested professionals and the public may freely access the full text of each article, which can be read online or downloaded and saved for offline viewing. The digital edition provides your advertising message with targeted visibility!


Size Full Rate
Cover Positions 8.75" 11.25"
Full Page
Trim Size
Image Area
Half Page
Quarter Page 3.375" 4.625"


ADV - CL Print Ad Size Examples


Ad materials should be e-mailed to maintaining the following guidelines:
PDF files preferred
TIFF and EPS files also accepted
All fonts and logos embedded
All color artwork must be in CMYK